Our regular monthly meeting will be March 23rd at the Library Center at 4653 S. Campbell. As we always do, we’ll start to gather at 9:30am and get the official meeting started at 10am.
March’s demonstration is going to be presented by Dr. Ernie Lorenc. The good Doctor is one of our founding members of the club and has been instrumental in promoting and helping our club grow through the years. As one of our most experienced members he has Mentored many of our club members and is always willing to share his take on turning.
Because of his continuous willingness to demonstrate, teach and promote the art of wood turning, last December at the Clubs Christmas Party, Ernie was given the title of Master Turner. This was the first year that our club has titled someone as Master Turner.
Ernie did our demo last June where he roughed out a green bowl and now that it’s dry he is going to bring it back in and show us how he finish turns his bowls. This is sure to be an interesting and informative demonstration! Don’t miss it.
We’ll have our normal activities as well: Club Show’n Tell, Raffle, Coop and more.